BANDEN BILDEN – Chapter OneIMG/MOV Berlin 2024
Thoughts on identity, self, attitude, curiosity, physicality, audacity, alter ego ...A project close to Sonja's heart and a wonderful starting point for an ongoing series. The need to feel whole, surrounded only by yourself. Despite knowing how much of a rollercoaster life is outside of it. Cosy and warm - yet not only can paper be treacherous, but the cold stays outside when you wrap yourself in it. Nevertheless there is still a very special longing - almost the urge to explore, to fail, to learn, to feel. Hesitant at first, cautious, reserved. And finally the letting go, the release, the celebration, in whatever form you choose.
Idea, Concept, Photography, Film, Production, Creative Services @sonja_and_leif,
Sincere and heartfelt thank you to our amazing collaborators! Styling Daniella Petrovics @daniellapetrovic Brow Make Up Melanie by Elsa Petrovics @elsamalinap, magnificent Talents Melanie @melnie_s represented by Mirrrs and Ines @inesberk represented by Mint Artist Management and of course @nightboutique_vintage_archive